Showing: 1 - 10 of 19 RESULTS
MWC Barcelona 2024

MWC Barcelona 2024: Seven Key Themes To Watch Out For

Our hyper-connected world grapples with rapid technological advancements, lagging regulations, and the need for sustainability. Bold leadership embracing tech-driven transformation is crucial for navigating these complexities, unlocking growth, outpacing competitors, and securing future value. The MWC Barcelona 2024 is back, and it is anticipated to be bigger than ever. With AI, 6G, sustainability likely to …

Nirmala Sitharaman

Six Solid Takeaways from India’s Union Budget 2023-24

The forward-looking Union Budget for 2023-24, presented by Nirmala Sitharaman, India’s Finance Minister, keeps the focus on leveraging and accelerating technology adoption for enabling and empowering India’s techade as well as India@100. Enabling India-specific 5G Use Cases.Setting-up 100 5G labs in engineering institutions will provide the much-needed impetus to realize the new opportunities that 5G …


Talking Metaverse with Hugo Swart, Qualcomm

The convergence of rapid technological advances and the pandemic years have contributed to a quantum leap in interest in, and the development of the metaverse. Extended Reality (XR), an umbrella term that encapsulates Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR) and Mixed Reality (MR), represents the gateway to metaverse, and to realize tremendous breakthrough transformations in …

Qualcomm AI Stack

The new unified, comprehensive Qualcomm AI Stack for the Connected Intelligent Edge

Qualcomm’s new AI Stack enables OEMs and developers to utilize a unified, comprehensive AI software capabilities. By doing so, OEMs and developers can now develop and leverage the full AI potential of Qualcomm’s Connected Intelligent Edge products, including, smartphones, IoT, automotive, XR, Cloud and Mobile PC. At Qualcomm, AI is being strategically viewed as a …

iPhone SE

5G smartphone sales up despite unavailability of networks

Indian consumers are increasingly adopting 5G smartphones even before rollout of the next-gen mobile broadband technology in the country. Research firm, International Data Corporation (IDC), has estimated the share of 5G-enabled phones, out of total smartphone sales, will touch 20-25% this year. As Chinese smartphone brands, Oppo and Realme aggressively push their 5G portfolio in …


On 25 Years of Samsung in India

The 1990s were seminal for India. India broke its shackles and moved ahead with liberalization. Overnight, India transformed from a seller’s market to a buyer’s market. Consumers became more aware, more aspirational, and demanded quality and value. Encouraged by the Government’s liberal policy regime, players, such as Samsung came into India. Samsung recently completed 25 …


What can India expect from Satya Nadella ‘s upcoming visit?

Microsoft CEO, Satya Nadella will visit India later this month. While the company confirmed the visit of the top executive, it did not give details about the dates and cities he is likely to visit. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has on several occasions stressed on the importance of leveraging emerging technologies like AI and ML …