Showing: 1 - 6 of 6 RESULTS

Smartphone production in India could fall by 38-40% in H1 2020

Smartphone production in India will fall by 38-40% in the first half of 2020, a new report by Cybermedia Research (CMR) estimated. The Indian smartphone industry faced supply shortages due to shutdown of factories in China in February. Manufacturing here was hurt because the industry couldn’t source components required for production here. Factories in China …


Smartphone study reveals that more Indians prefer smartphone to human relationships

An average Indian spends nearly 1,800 hours a year on their smartphone, a study titled ‘Smartphone and Their Impact on Human Relationships’ by Vivo and Cybermedia Research (CMR) has revealed. The study also finds that human relationships have suffered, with the number of people who meet their friends and family several times every month is …


Average Indian spends over 1800 hours a year on their smartphone: study

With smartphones entering every facet of our lives, as new survey aimed to understand how mobile devices are altering lives and relationships of users found that 75 per cent of the respondents agreed to have owned a smartphone in their teens and of them, 41 per cent were hooked to phones even before graduating from …


Switching-off their phones makes Indians bored and sad

When it comes to switching-off their phones, Indians might just snap. Indians have some extreme feelings attached to the idea of switching-off their mobile phones, according to a study of 2,000 adults done jointly by smartphone brand Vivo and Cybermedia Research (CMR). The feelings vary from positive ones like relaxing and calm, to negative ones …


Budget 2019 should provide policy thrust for AI, Blockchain: CMR

The Union Budget of 2019 should look at providing a policy thrust for emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Blockchain, among many others, CyberMedia Research said in a note on Wednesday. This move will result in new business opportunities across the spectrum, and fostering India’s leadership therein, according to CMR. “The Budget should …



根据市场研究公司CyberMedia的数据显示,2019年印度智能手机的销量预计将达到1.6亿部。而2018年的销量可能会从2017年的大约1.34亿增长12%,达到1.5亿。 分析师表示,在2018年,这个全球增长速度最快的智能手机市场开始复苏。由于不同价格的智能手机涌现出来以及分期付款、折扣和以旧换新等促销活动推出,智能手机更新换代活动将会大幅增加。这一趋势很可能在2019年继续下去。   市场研究公司CyberMedia Research行业情报部门负责人普拉布-拉姆(Prabhu Ram)表示,在线市场已超出了二线城市的范围,为华硕和华为/荣耀等入门级品牌提供了更广泛的市场空间。   Source: